With the help of a generous grant from the Justus Karin Rosenberg Foundation and Bard College's Human Rights Project, I traveled to Israel and its complex territories to research how the hatred sustaining the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is perceived by members of Women Wage Peace.

Following Operation Protective Edge in the Summer of 2014, women who wage peace joined forces to create the largest and broadest grassroots movement in Israel and its territories. The movement has tens of thousands of members from the right, the center, and the left of the political spectrum; Jews and Arabs, religious and secular, from the center of the country and the periphery, women from kibbutzim and from settlements, all of whom are united in a demand for a mutually binding non-violent accord, agreeable to both sides.

Here is a selection of their strong, sincere, and enlightening testimonials.


Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vests) Protest: Paris